December 26th is quickly becoming a favorite around here, as peace and quiet return and the craziness has {almost} come to an end. Thanksgiving and Christmas have come and gone and now we anxiously await to ring in the new year. I am not sure 2014 can live up to the amazing 2013 that Charles and I have both had, but I am anxious to find out what 2014 has in store for our family. This year, New Years will most likely be a quiet one for us, instead of our annual trip to the lake. As Charles said, I hope we can stay awake until midnight.
I trust you all had a wonderful and Merry Christmas filled with friends, food, and family {who I'm sure, even though you love them a lot, eventually got on your nerves}. I had a good Christmas, but I felt rushed all Monday evening, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I'm back at work today and I feel like I am finally slowing down. I haven't slept a lot the past few nights, so I was exhausted, and a few people in my family as well as Charles' family have been sick, and I'm afraid I might be catching their cold's. Not feeling optimal this morning.
Since telling you all via words about my Christmas would most likely be boring, let's just jump right into what my Christmas consisted of via pictures! Don't worry, readers, there's only a
Monday night was "Friendsmas" with some great friends, where we all went downtown to a charity concert and enjoyed each other's company {and perhaps stayed out too late}
My adorable husband being festive for Friendsmas. Yes, he wore this out in public, and I think he rocked it! Plus, I never once lost him in the crowd.
He got the leg lamp!
Charles' sweet Aunt and cousin got us our Wedding ornament! SO excited!
Because puppies like Christmas, too!
Some of the spread for the Christmas Eve dinner I prepared for Charles' family
Our annual Christmas Eve "ho ho" punch! It's so easy to make and so festive and pretty. Just take one bottle of champagne, one bottle of gingerale, and frozen strawberries! Voila, easy!
The hubby and I enjoying our first Christmas together in the church that we were married in.
The Marsh side of the family!
Because we have to pray before every meal
He was watching Shrek and wouldn't even stop for a photo!
Teaching her how to write
No explanation needed
Charles and I decided Christmas night sushi would be the perfect ending to the day
Laying in bed, watching my ALL TIME FAVORITE movie, "You've Got Mail." I'm so happy it was on tv. I watch it every time, I'm really surprised that I don't own a copy as much as I love it. This will have to change immediately. Wonderful ending to my evening.
No, I'm talking about the things that you have a choice in doing. No, you don't have to go to watch your best friend's basketball game. No, you don't have to go help your husband take down the Christmas lights. No, you don't have to take an interest in your families life. But you should.
Part of growing up is recognizing that you have choices. You don't have your parents forcing you to do things, but you still should know what's right and what isn't. Not doing something simply because you don't want to, even when you know it might make someone happy is just unacceptable. We all have things we don't want to do, but part of growing older and being a person of substance is doing these things regardless. How can you teach your children values if you yourself don't have any?
My parents have set great examples for all of their children on learning to do things because it's the right thing to do, even if you don't get any personal gain from doing it. It's just the right way of going about things, especially when it comes to family. When you do things that you might not feel like doing purely because you know it's what you should do, people take notice, and people are more likely to return the favor.
Don't alienate those you care about due to laziness or pure selfishness. You become a better person by choosing the harder decision. Some people have the philosophy that you should only do what you want to do, only do what makes you happy because life is too short. No offense to that theory {ok, maybe a little offense}, but what a load of bologna. If you are selfish and only do what you want, people will start to resent you. All take and no give will not get you ahead in life.
Remember: You can make your own choices, but you can't control the consequences. Be prepared to take full responsibility for your actions.
"Never sacrifice what you know is right for what is convenient or expedient. Live the life of a leader - one of values, character, courage, and committment. What you do and what you tolerate in your presence best demonstrates your standards."

and to that life lesson I say a resounding AMEN