It's that time again--our most favorite day of the entire week {sarcasm
I had a post all lined out and ready for putting together for me to just quickly type up on Saturday, but ever since Thursday I have been fighting off an awful cold, and when Saturday finally came around, all I wanted to do was sit on the couch with my puppies, a blanket, and a hot cup of coffee and watch television.
So I did.
Then I thought, "I'll just push this off until Sunday and post then." Well then for once in my life, I actually slept in {albeit, only until 0800, but to me that's unheard of} and then I thought "well I have so much to do today, it's just going to have to wait." So here we are.
Let's start with our typical life recap:
Friday when I got to work I was feeling SO awful. I worked through my lunch so that I could leave work at 2 to go home and take a nap. I went home and Charles had soup and a sandwich waiting for me {you can't beat this guy, he's just the best}. After I ate, my baby Cholla and I took a nice 30 minute nap, then made a cup of coffee and watched our "girl shows" before Charles got home.
Saturday morning {after cozying on the couch for hours}, I decided I just needed to get the Christmas decorations down for a couple of reasons: 1. I probably won't find another day that I'm not busy and can actually find the time to take them down, and 2. I wanted to see what the new house would look like without decorations. Once we moved in, we decorated, and I wanted to see what I needed to do with the space once the big tree / all the decorations were down.
Went to a local coffee shop here in town {Love my Sweet Bay!} and got a chocolate chai tea..look what they did with the whipped cream! I couldn't help but smile when I saw it. How adorable?!
Cotton candy sky from our back deck. Saturday was beautiful weather. How Great Thou Art.
We have been meaning to take a few photos with our "SOLD" sign for awhile now but life got in the way. We decided we needed to hurry up and do it, so yesterday {even though I wasn't feeling well}, we decided to take a few fun photos :)
For example, we have all been to wedding's where some girl mouths off about how happy they are they aren't getting married, because you should have a career first and shouldn't start settling down until you're 30's because until then you don't know what you want {these girls are usually single.}
Then you have the people sitting back saying that until you've traveled or moved away from your hometown, you don't know what you want out of life and you're settling. These people typically still don't know what they want out of life.
Oh, and let's not forget the people who think because they are older, have been married longer, or have children that think that they know some life secret and for that reason alone, they can judge all of your choices.
You all are for the most part aware of my life story, but in case you aren't, let me catch you up to speed. I moved to my hometown when I wasn't even a year old. I've lived in this big yet small town for my whole life. I graduated college in 4 years and got a job in the same town right after I graduated and have been working ever since. I am currently 24 years old. I moved in with my at the time boyfriend at 21 years old, got engaged at 22, and got married at 23. Most likely, I will have children in a few years, after Charles and I spend some time getting to know each other on a new level and enjoy being married.
Go ahead, judge away.
No, I didn't move away from my family or go to a new town for college.
Yes, I moved in with my boyfriend before I was married {and it only helped our relationship}.
Yes, I got engaged and married younger than a lot of people.
No, I'm not having children right away.
My story is different than yours. Maybe I didn't do things the way you would. Maybe I didn't make the choices that some would have. But it's my story, my life, not yours. Ask anyone who knows me and they will let you know that I am the farthest thing from ashamed of my life choices. I'm proud of myself, my family, and everything we have accomplished.
Who are we to say that there is a set in stone way of doing things? Quit living your life comparing it to other's. If you want to spend your time trying to "win," thinking that your choices are the best, go right ahead. But what have you won? Bragging rights? Something to post on social media about?
In that case, go ahead and win.
"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self" - Ernest Hemingway

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