It feels about 100 times better to be blogging from my comfy couch with my blanket and my puppies rather than sitting in my office, so this day has already started me off in a fairly good mood.
I hope you all had a fairly painless and relaxing end to the week. The week before a holiday always seems to be quite hectic, even if you don't have much to do...Actually I take that back, typically just the whole month of December seems quite hectic.
In typical fashion, let me catch you up to speed with what my life has consisted of these past few days..
I know, I know. "Selfie," but I had to. Nobody was home and I needed to show my sister my new turban {Charles hates it, but I think it's super adorable)
Free Vera is the best Vera! Charles can attest that I am a bit Vera obsessed...I have the small duffel, large duffel, day planner, id holder, crossbody, and 4 of these tote bags. They work so great when we go on quick weekend visits to the lake house! It's also the end of the year, so if you're interested in purchasing some Vera, head here! Each year towards this time, they place the patterns they are discontinuing on a humongous sale {around 60% off if I am remembering correctly}, which makes them perfect for gifts or maybe just for a fun self splurge.
I have been searching everywhere a nice recipe book to put in my new holder, and lo and behold, I found one! I picked this one up at a local shop called Inscriptions {shop local, y'all} and fell in love. I picked up some recipe cards to place inside them with my own recipes. I guess I know what I'll be doing late this afternoon =)
Here's a couple pictures from Charles' work holiday party last night! {Look at that bright red shirt, guys!}We had such a blast, but went home early and lucky we did, because we weren't home ten minutes before a huge downpour started. It started storming, which helped me sleep peacefully. There's something about waking up to thunder...
I try to think that I can "go with the flow" but it's just plain hard, especially when you have an easy going husband. Someone has to make sure things get done, right? But I have to start realizing that not everything is going to go perfectly no matter how much planning you do. I struggle with this! I like to plan things and I want things to go off smoothly and without a hitch. For instance, we are hosting Christmas Eve with Charles' family at our house, as we do every year. This year is special, because we are hosting in our new home that we will build a family in. We have been working harder than ever to get this house in tip top shape so that our guests feel comfortable.
But you know what? It's not all going to go perfectly. Something will go wrong. And you know what else? It will all be FINE. Let go of what you can't control {yes, I am well aware that this is easier said than done}. This time of year isn't about who hosts the best party, who liked who's food the best, and so on. It's about spending time with your loved ones! Even if your whole dinner gets ruined, even if your house is a mess, your family will still love being with you. Just do the best you can. Remember, Tim Allen burned the whole turkey in "The Santa Clause," and was forced to take Charlie to Denny's for dinner, and they still had a wonderful adventure at the North Pole that night.
Married, new house, holidays. All in 3 months {from today, so happy mini anniversary to us!}. I've been waiting for the inevitable "I'm so stressed out right now that I need to fight with my husband even though it's misplaced anger" fight to happen. You know what? We haven't fought, not one single bit. That's what I'm thankful for today.
A little bit of grace and understanding.
I hope everyone takes a step back this week and enjoys themselves. STOP the glorification of "busy".
"Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, it empties today of its strengths"

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