Let's be honest for a second. We have all had those days, those AWFUL days, where you just yell at every driver {because CLEARLY they don't know how to drive}, your clothes are driving you nuts, everything your friends post on facebook is making you irritated, and you're just in an all around terrible mood.
That was my day yesterday. It's starting out to be this way again today.
I thought I might give you a cup of perspective, if you will, for all of the times you have these inevitably wretched days {and you will}.
In the midst of my horrible mood yesterday, after leaving work almost an hour late on an already horribly busy day, I hated EVERY driver, I was irritated by everything, and on the driver home I saw a few things that made me feel guilty for even being in a bad mood over a hard day at work. I don't think it was a coincidence, I don't fully believe in coincidences. I firmly believe that God shows you things exactly as you need to see them, and puts people in your life to teach you something.
First, on my drive, I saw a homeless gentleman. Here I am just stewing in my anger about something that happened at work, when I am blessed enough to have a job to support my family and I have a roof over my head. I instantly felt guilty. So often we take forgranted that even though our job might be frustrating or difficult at times, we have a job to show up to every morning. In a society where everyone wants "more, more, more", it's easy to forget to take time and appreciate the small blessings that we have every day.
Secondly, I overheard a single mother in the grocery store talking on the phone trying to sort a few things out, while she had two very small children tugging on her arm and pulling her every which direction. She looked like a very loving mother, she was cool as a cucumber with the children, but you could just hear the panic in her voice on the phone. She sounded about how I felt: stressed and frantic. I don't have children {besides my two fur children, who are a
The final thing I saw yesterday that really just made me feel quite silly for being in such an irritated mood over something so small. While driving home, I saw a police office and an EMT crew working an accident {it appeared to me that everyone was ok, but the wreck looked pretty bad}. It has been extremely chilly around these parts the past week, and I was instantly thankful to be driving in my warm car to my warm new home than working out in the cold weather. I also became thankful that my friends and family are all safe and sound, as accidents can happen any minute.
Since this morning started out being stressful from the get go, I decided I needed to take back, reflect on my reminder from yesterday that I am "too blessed to be stressed," especially over such miniscule things.
Today, I am thankful for hairdressers. Hair days are the best days, and I can't wait until 3:30, when I am well on my way to a much needed hair appointment with a glass of wine in my hand, being pampered.
What do you take forgranted on a daily basis? I think I really needed those little reminders yesterday to remember the blessings I have in my life.
Here's a picture of some fog this morning in beautiful Arkansas. Isn't it beautiful?
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27
I'll be back before you know it! Be Blessed! XoXo

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