It's Monday morning, and I'm not sure about all of you, but I found it particularly difficult to wake up and get out of bed this morning. Something about snow on the ground and a nice cozy house..
The winter weather showed up in full force, I was pretty much confined to the new house for 3.5 days straigh, which was okay with me, I needed to unpack the house and try to clean/organize/all of the grown up things {this whole wife life thing, I'm telling ya, it's pretty great..}Even though I still have SO much work left to do on the new house {and our soon to be rent house...needs a good deep cleaning and we still have to get some items moved out of there}, we got a large amount of work done. There were plenty of late nights for my husband and I, as well as early mornings, but it's starting to feel like home sweet home.
Here's a few photos of our weekend / some progress {note: I haven't taken a lot of photos of the individual rooms yet as we have not finished decorating. Stay tuned!}
Friday morning, about 6am. Charles had to be at work at 8 and I had the day off, so I stayed in, drank a nice cup of coffee, and decorated the tree {not finished in the photo above!} and decorated a few rooms in the house.
The winter wonderland that is our house this past weekend, and that's not even all of it! This was very early in the morning, around 10 I think, and it continued until well into the afternoon hours.
My three little loves taking a nap by the fireplace, which is easily my most favorite part of the new house. I have a not so slight obsession with fireplaces..
Here's elfie for you! Sleeping in his Crown Royal sleeping bag on the tree...sneaky little elf.
Because I love you, I'm including a link to the song I've been listening to on repeat that has been keeping me sane while unpacking, taking a bubble bath, driving, etc. How can you not ADORE Michael Buble?!
If you have some spare time, head over to my dad's website! He writes his own music and has links to his songs. He is SO talented and I love him {and his music} dearly. Go support him! His website can be found here!
As always, be a blessing to someone this week. I'll be back for more before you know it!

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