Happy Monday!
I can only hope that you all had as good weekends as I did!
It was great to get out of the house and have a nice relaxing lake weekend away
from home. As an added bonus, the weather was a perfect 60 degrees this
weekend, so we got to enjoy the outdoors and get some fresh air, which we haven’t
been able to do in quite some time with all of this snow and bitterly cold
Friday after work {which was a long day full of meetings},
we loaded up and headed down to Lake Ouachita, where Charles’ parents have a
lake house. It’s about an hour and forty five minutes to drive there, so we
didn’t arrive until about 7:45. We cooked pizzas and relaxed Friday night, just
talking with two other couples that came with us…mainly, the guys played with
their toys while the girls chit chatted.
Saturday morning was spent making banana pancakes and
drinking mimosas {can you beat it?} Needless to say, it was a pretty great
morning! After we ate and lounged around for a bit, we all loaded up and went
to a gun range a few miles away from the house. Charles taught me to shoot a
gun, and I shot for the first time! So much fun, not at all like I expected.
After shooting for a bit, the girls decided to sit and just watch the guys have
their fun shooting skeet, and we sat around and chatted for a while.
After the gun range, we had a few drinks, sat around talking on the deck, and cooked an amazing steak dinner. All in all? Wonderful weekend, and I can’t wait to do it again!
Let's take it to the camera!
Exactly..I couldn't have said it better myself
Spoiled by the view
Breakfast Booze! {{The best kind}}
My handsome shooting instructor!
Girls who shoot well good enough
Now my arms hurt
A nice fire, a sunset, and a handsome husband total up to equal the best afternoon!
Fire in the bowl!
Wine-ding down after a long day {{and you have to include summer sausage and cheese!}}
Saturday morning Banana Pancakes. Yes, we did play "Banana Pancakes" by Jack Johnson over the speakers while we cooked. You would too..{who wouldn't?!}
Friday night view while driving down to the lake.. stunning, per usual

You know what life and love is all about. Stay young at heart forever.