Well what a coincidence, that's {almost} exactly what I'm doing! Except for that last part..no sunshine, no catch outside. Just mounds and mounds of snow..
I remember when I was a kid, I used to LOVE snow days. My dad would take the kids sledding at a local park {I even made it into newspaper sledding one year!} We would make hot chocolate and watch movies, my mom would make tomato soup, and I got to play with my neighbors. Not to mention, school got cancelled! I
I also remember that things changed as I got older. Once I reached about high school, I hated snow days. I was "too old" for playing in the snow, and I did NOT like missing school because I didn't get to see my boyfriend {you know, teenage priorities.}
Now, I don't mind snow days much. Snow days are pretty, we have a fireplace, I have two cuddly snuggle pups who keep my warm, and my sweet husband and I get to spend the day indoors together. I do worry about how I'l get to work tomorrow, though. My office does not close no matter what the weather is. I'll have to get to work, rain, snow, sleet, or shine. You'd think we were the post office! That's where great coworkers come into play. I have a few people who are willing to pick me up in their 4x4's and get my to work safely!
It seems like we are a house divided today. Charles is rooting for a Seahawks victory, while I'm rooting for the Broncos {what can I say, I was raised a Peyton Manning fan.} It will be fun to see how this plays out, since we usually root for the same team.
Oh, and of course we're watching the puppy bowl. How can you resist the cuteness? If you're not watching, shame on you! And don't forget to watch the half-time show {honestly, it's what I'm most excited for.} I'm a die hard RHCP fan, and usually the entertainment during the super bowl is sub-par at best.
Camera journal!
Cozy with a cup of coffee, a blanket, and a fire {{Snow Day Essentials!}}
Yesterday was the first day of February, so I had to decorate for Valentine's Day <3 xo
Had a slightly elevated temperature yesterday and wasn't feeling so hot. Luckily, I feel better today!
The hubs brought me reinforcements when I wasn't feeling well!
Cholla and Milli can't keep their eyes off of the Puppy Bowl!
"It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all. In that case, you fail by default."

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