it’s extremely cold where I live, and it’s getting a little old. I do like
cooler weather and snow, but about a week after Christmas is when I’m always
tired of it. Cold weather reminds me of the holidays and it gets me excited,
but when it’s February and I’m still freezing my buns off, I tend to get irked
by sister snow and her friend winter.
In other news…Denver
lost the Superbowl {insert sad face here.} Charles gloated for days, go figure.
We were afraid that none of our friends would be able to come over and watch
the game with us due to the weather on Sunday, but everyone was able to show
up, and we had an absolute blast. Anyone have a favorite commercial? I really
liked Budweiser’s commercial “Puppy Love” as well as the Hyundai commercial about
dad’s protecting their sons. It was hilarious!
I’ve been
increasingly busy this week as we have 4 new hires that started at work on
Monday, and we have 4 new starting next Wednesday. Wow. I’ve either worked
through my lunch or come into work an hour early each day this week to catch up
on everything that I need to do, and I’m still not caught up {go figure}. I
would rather come into work early and get things done or even work through
lunch rather than staying late, or worse, bringing my work home with me. I have
a husband, and he needs my time. When we are at home, we want to spend the time
together without worrying about work and stress. I just want to enjoy his
company. This might make for early mornings, but it’s a bond that I get that I
would not trade for anything.
I hope you all
have started thinking about what you can do special for your Valentine! It’s
going to be here before you know it. Don’t wait to the last moment, be sweet J
My latest photo
Beautiful snow falling {{again}} while the puppies played in the backyard!
Wearing my Bronco's colors..or close enough
This is the way we cook our ribs...out in the snow :)
Made up a little white chicken chili for the cold weather. It's been great, because I've been taking the leftovers to work with me and having them for lunch! Delicious
Nothing makes an afternoon training class more bearable than Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha..right, dad?
I entered a contest on Instagram with Onegirl3letters, and I won this super adorable koozie with my monogram on it! Like it? Get your own! She's on facebook, instagram, and etsy! Search for Onegirl3letters!
The gorgeous view from outside my front porch. Can't really beat it, even though I'm not thrilled about the cold.
Check out this video of my new all time favorite song "Never Alone" by Jesse Bonanno. It's talking about how you are never truly alone, as God is always walking with you. It brings me to tears, it's an absolute gorgeous song, and you can also view it as a love song. I'm very glad I stumbled across this gorgeous song. Watch, listen, and let me know what you think!
"I will stand as your light through your darkest unknown"

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