Wednesday, July 22, 2015

On my Radar..

Well I’m back again for my 6 month check in!

That’s what it seems like anyway. I haven’t exactly been the best at keeping up and checking in lately. I don’t mean to be this way {and by this way, I mean sporadic in my blogging} but life keeps getting in the way! I’m really trying to make a conscious effort to get back into the habit of regular check ins. I feel like something is missing when I’m not writing about something anything {and if you’ve read any of my previous posts…everything}.

So what was I up to last time? Scrolling through my last post, it looks like it was right before Valentine’s Day as well as right before I hosted my sister’s gender reveal party at my house.

WOW. I can’t won’t even try to find the words to describe the whirlwind known as my last few months. {I said I won’t try to find the words, but I didn’t say I wouldn’t show you via pictures…} That being said, I will be posting some “rehash” pictures at the end, but I figured I would do a segment on “What I’ve been loving lately.” Can this be a wonderful transition post before my next post about what is happening in my life in the present? We’ll see {I do love something to aim for….}

Let’s get right to it:

»   Library Cards. Enter back with me to, approximately, 15 years ago. I was always amazingly in love with reading. Reading by the pool. Reading in bed with a cup of coffee & pj’s. Reading with a flashlight {light’s out is no joke, thanks mom}. Then IT happened. Yes, I’m talking about becoming a teenager. Friday nights meant movies with friends and listening to music, talking on AOL Instant Messenger with my boyfriend, trying out new makeup…the list goes on. Then I grew out of that phase {Lord, help} and then something ELSE happened. Yes, college. Between working and going to college full time, the only books I was reading were textbooks. I have now been graduated from college for 3 years {Hallelujah, thank you Jesus} and I’m finally getting back into the reading swing. But books aren’t cheap, y’all! Enter the library card. Here’s a few suggestions for you: Sparkly Green Earrings, The Antelope in the Living Room, & The Devil in the Junior League.

»   Organizing anything {and everything..} Y’all. It’s as if I’m pregnant and nesting. I don’t know WHY I have been feeling the constant need to organize everything I can get my hands on. My house thanks me for it, so I guess this I don’t really care why this has been such a love of mine lately.

»   Oversized sweaters in statement colors – Particularly loving mustard yellow, burnt orange, and wine colored sweaters..and booties..and jewelry..It’s not even fall yet and I’m already lusting over fall everything. I have to literally talk myself out of putting fall wax in the scentsy burner. I think it has something to do with when they start putting out school supplies, I go into fall freak out mode. {I will wait until football season, I will wait until football season…}

»   Farmers markets – It’s been so much fun walking around farmers markets in the mornings and trying new, fresh food. Not only do you get greater portions of the food for a fraction of the price, the quality is top notch. Charles & I have been having too much fun thinking of all sorts of fun, healthy recipes to create with our farmers market finds.

»   The Bachelor / The Bachelorette – I realize that I’m late to this party, but guys. I’m hooked. Yes I realize it’s one of “those” reality shows, but I can’t help it. It just keeps pulling you in. Nothing quite like sitting in your pj’s drinking wine, & watching 18 girls cry in the span of an hour or two. Genius.
»   Classical Church Music – There is a Pandora station that I have been LOVING lately and it’s called “O God Beyond All Praising.” I love listening to it when I am particularly anxious about something {a musical Xanax, if you will..} and I even like to listen to it at work while I’m working on a project or have a few spare minutes. This is primarily an instrumental version of church music {not Christian radio music, think church music, old school style – As the Deer, It is Well, Be still my soul, Jesu joy of man’s desiring…} Do your soul a favor and have a listen.
If anyone is reading this and you have a new obsession, send ‘em my way.

And now what you’ve all been waiting for…I know, the suspicion, the intrigue..A few photos to document my last few months.
We had a gender reveal party at my house {because y'all know how much I love to be the hostess!} My sister was going to have a sweet baby BOY!

We went to a motorcycle rally with great friends..

We got pictures taken by the fabulous Erin Wilson.

We partied for baby Liam!

We Lake Ouachita'ed all over the place.

We were blessed with a new niece, Tess!


We fell more in love.

We became Godparents to sweet baby Liam.
That's all...until next time.
"You can't litter negativity everywhere and then wonder why you've got a trashy life"

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