I'm not exactly certain where I left off, so I'm just going to take a guess and see if I'm somewhat accurate {before you say anything, I know I could look at the last post and see, but I just don't feel up to that challenge.}
So first and foremost, Charles has left his over-seven-year-long journey with a local bank in town to work with a Property Management company and work towards getting his real estate license.
Big. Change. Scary change {albeit I didn't want to admit that to Charles at first..}
You know, you get in these comfort zones and getting out of them seems like the worst possible thing in the world. In reality, it's not the worst thing in the world, it could be some of the most positive changes that unless poked and prodded to do so, you might never make these changes. I think this is one of those times in our lives. We became so complacent with our routine that we never thought that changing things up would benefit us.
Turns out, this job could end up being the best thing for us.
I also took a plunge into the deep end of the corporate job pool, and accepted a promotion with my workplace as the Training and Quality Specialist. I can hardly CONTAIN my excitement over that one. Funny thing is, I said the one thing that I never {I repeat, never wanted to do was teach, and here I am..doing basically just that.}
In other recent events, my sweetie pie nephew turned one and we got him a bubble mower. It's good to know that at least some of the classic toys are still around..even it was upgraded with full lawn mower sounds.
We also celebrated our ONE year wedding anniversary. I simply cannot, will not, believe that it has already been a year since I walked down the aisle.
I would have more pictures to share, but I broke down and got the new iPhone 6, and my pictures are still on my old iPhone. So I'll share you a bit of what I have on my new phone {not much, sadly}
Nothing like relaxing in beautiful fall{ish} weather on the patio with you snazzy new patio furniture.
Cutting into our wedding cake!
Such beautiful flowers from the husband of one year.
More cake shenanigans.
Alright everyone, that's all for now, I'll try and get more interesting for next time. Until then, WATCH OUT WORLD, the Alley's are coming through!
When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light. Give thanks for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. And if perchance you see no reason for giving thanks, rest assured the fault is in yourself. - Chief Tecumseh