Made it through this week! Sadly, it's Sunday {already?!} and I have to get back to the grind tomorrow.
This week was a bit of an odd one. On Monday, Charles stayed home sick, which is rare, and on Wednesday, I stayed home sick {even more rare..I can't even remember the last time I stayed home sick...I hate the feeling of having to make up work..I even did in school}. I slept practically all day. Thursday and Friday were spent still half sick and in a busy fog of events. I still don't feel fully recovered, but I'm working on it.
I hope all of you have had a beautiful spring tease of a week like we have had here. I have to admit, I got spoiled by the gorgeous weather. I'm ready for thunderstorms, cookouts, floating the river, ahh.
Friday marked 5 months since Charles and I got married. Holy gracious, where did the time go? We have started tossing out ideas on how to spend our first anniversary {I know, still quite a ways off, but it's never too early for a planner to plan..}
Remember last week, when I told you that last Sunday I spent lazily watching movies and cuddling with Charles instead of catching up on laundry and dishes and cleaning that I didn't get to do since we were out of town last weekend? Well I had planned to catch up on all of that during the week a little bit at a time...then the sickness happened...for both of us. Which meant a lack of energy...and no cleaning. Needless to say our house was a
Today, Charles and I had a few of our friends over and we learned how to make homemade eggrolls {my oh my were they delicious} and Charles made his famous avocado crab salad, which is insanely good. We also hadn't seen these friends in quite awhile, so it was great to play catch up and have a fun time trying new things. Completely delightful Sunday.
Another hearty photo segment to make up for being so absent lately..{In no particular order..}
New fave candle "Flannel" by B&B Works! I don't know if a candle can really smell "cozy," but if cozy had a smell, it would be this candle.
Before and after of my favorite handy man with a green thumbs hard work on Saturday. Removed the obnoxious bushes! We also bought some new pots and are going to add some new landscaping here in a few weeks :)
Charles and I thought it would be fun to rewatch our old favorite show, Entourage, from the start! We've had a blast cuddling and watching the old episodes.
My Saturday in a nutshell {after I was done cleaning, of course...} Tried a new beer, cut up and marinaded some veggies for the grill, and busted out the chacos! {sound the trumpets}
On top of being sick, I got to be "super wife" and make Charles food for his work potluck. He told me about it the night before, per usual. Pizza balls it is!
We were so exhausted by the time Friday came around that we didn't even want to think about cooking, and we found our way to Marketplace! Flaming queso, get in my stomach.
My handsome hard worker!
I told him it was a bad idea, but not a soul was to be found at Lowe's, and of course the one thing we wanted was on the top shelf.
My Saturday morning view before I started cleaning...oh happy day.
Eggroll fun! Such a blast.
I know I talk a lot about "mushy" things, and about how much I enjoy spending time with my husband. Some might call it the honeymoon phase, but I don't see it that way.
I've had a lot of friends come and go the past few years, but my husband is someone who has always been there for me the past few years. Yes, I do have a handful of quality friends that have always and will always be there for me, and vice versa, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Everyone has the story of a friend who stopped hanging out with them because they had a career change, got into a relationship, stopped wanting to go out or go to parties {or host parties...}, or went through a hard time.
I've gone through plenty of hard times, even when I've been quiet about it. I've had friends who couldn't deal because of it. But there a some people who have always been there for me, and I won't forget them because of it. To have quality friends, you have to be quality friends. I'm extremely blessed with some great people in my life, and wouldn't trade them for the world. That being said, I also won't forget those who weren't there when I needed them the most.
I hope this week you all take the time to reach out to your friends, new or old, and let them know that you value them.
"If you're absent during my struggle, don't expect to be present during my success"