Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Twenty Thirteen

Happy NYE to you!

I have to work today, I'm guessing most people don't have to work today...so there you have it. Good thing I have such amazing friends and coworkers here, and a job that I actually enjoy! Can't complain about working under these circumstances ;)

Well I've {almost} fought off this entire cold, but I seem to have put my body through too much trying to overcome it, and I've been more tired than I was when I was sick. I'm not really sure how that works. Oh, and I supposed I passed the cold along to Charles.

Sorry, wabers!

He refuses to admit he is sick but his fever last night tells me otherwise. Hoping he wakes up feeling ok, or else our New Years Eve may consist of soup, the couch, and a movie...and potentially falling asleep before midnight, but let's face it, for us, that's always a possibility.

2013 was quite literally the best year of my life. I got to marry the love of my life and I got to move into a new house and start a home with my new family {Charles, the dogs, and I.} How can you top that? I'm anxious to see what 2014 has to bring, but I'm sad to close the door on this wonderful year.

Let's just take a look at some of my favorite moments from this year...{in no particular order, I was just too busy to put them chronologically...}

Bought my first car!

Baby Nephew #1 was born

First married Christmas!

Meet me at the altar


Bridal Shower fun with some amazing ladies!

Couples Shower Casino Night

Best friends ever!

Team America

First home

The Snowhouse!

Horse Races yearly tradition with great friends =)

Cancun Honeymoon {what I would give to go back right now}

What are some of your best 2013 moments? Any resolutions for 2014? Anything you're looking forward to in 2014?

My resolution is to become the best version of myself. You might think that sounds vague, but you'll see what I mean. Stay tuned.

"The phrase 'Do Not Be Afraid' is written in the Bible 365 times. That is a daily reminder to live every day fearless."

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Monday, December 30, 2013

Bounce Back

Hello, Friends!

It's that time again--our most favorite day of the entire week {sarcasm not intended}..it's Monday!

I had a post all lined out and ready for putting together for me to just quickly type up on Saturday, but ever since Thursday I have been fighting off an awful cold, and when Saturday finally came around, all I wanted to do was sit on the couch with my puppies, a blanket, and a hot cup of coffee and watch television.

So I did.

Then I thought, "I'll just push this off until Sunday and post then." Well then for once in my life, I actually slept in {albeit, only until 0800, but to me that's unheard of} and then I thought "well I have so much to do today, it's just going to have to wait." So here we are.

Let's start with our typical life recap:

Friday when I got to work I was feeling SO awful. I worked through my lunch so that I could leave work at 2 to go home and take a nap. I went home and Charles had soup and a sandwich waiting for me {you can't beat this guy, he's just the best}. After I ate, my baby Cholla and I took a nice 30 minute nap, then made a cup of coffee and watched our "girl shows" before Charles got home.

Saturday morning {after cozying on the couch for hours}, I decided I just needed to get the Christmas decorations down for a couple of reasons: 1. I probably won't find another day that I'm not busy and can actually find the time to take them down, and 2. I wanted to see what the new house would look like without decorations. Once we moved in, we decorated, and I wanted to see what I needed to do with the space once the big tree / all the decorations were down.

Went to a local coffee shop here in town {Love my Sweet Bay!} and got a chocolate chai tea..look what they did with the whipped cream! I couldn't help but smile when I saw it. How adorable?!

Cotton candy sky from our back deck. Saturday was beautiful weather. How Great Thou Art.

We have been meaning to take a few photos with our "SOLD" sign for awhile now but life got in the way. We decided we needed to hurry up and do it, so yesterday {even though I wasn't feeling well}, we decided to take a few fun photos :)
You know what really can get me heated? Comparing. You see it every. single. day! Some might call me naive, but I really see no point. It happens especially around this time of year, or around any big event in someone's life.

For example, we have all been to wedding's where some girl mouths off about how happy they are they aren't getting married, because you should have a career first and shouldn't start settling down until you're 30's because until then you don't know what you want {these girls are usually single.}

Then you have the people sitting back saying that until you've traveled or moved away from your hometown, you don't know what you want out of life and you're settling. These people typically still don't know what they want out of life.

Oh, and let's not forget the people who think because they are older, have been married longer, or have children that think that they know some life secret and for that reason alone, they can judge all of your choices.

You all are for the most part aware of my life story, but in case you aren't, let me catch you up to speed. I moved to my hometown when I wasn't even a year old. I've lived in this big yet small town for my whole life. I graduated college in 4 years and got a job in the same town right after I graduated and have been working ever since. I am currently 24 years old. I moved in with my at the time boyfriend at 21 years old, got engaged at 22, and got married at 23. Most likely, I will have children in a few years, after Charles and I spend some time getting to know each other on a new level and enjoy being married.

Go ahead, judge away.
No, I didn't move away from my family or go to a new town for college.
Yes, I moved in with my boyfriend before I was married {and it only helped our relationship}.
Yes, I got engaged and married younger than a lot of people.
No, I'm not having children right away.

My story is different than yours. Maybe I didn't do things the way you would. Maybe I didn't make the choices that some would have. But it's my story, my life, not yours. Ask anyone who knows me and they will let you know that I am the farthest thing from ashamed of my life choices. I'm proud of myself, my family, and everything we have accomplished.

Who are we to say that there is a set in stone way of doing things? Quit living your life comparing it to other's. If you want to spend your time trying to "win," thinking that your choices are the best, go right ahead. But what have you won? Bragging rights? Something to post on social media about?

In that case, go ahead and win.

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self" - Ernest Hemingway

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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Two down, One to go

Happy December 26th, y'all!

December 26th is quickly becoming a favorite around here, as peace and quiet return and the craziness has {almost} come to an end. Thanksgiving and Christmas have come and gone and now we anxiously await to ring in the new year. I am not sure 2014 can live up to the amazing 2013 that Charles and I have both had, but I am anxious to find out what 2014 has in store for our family. This year, New Years will most likely be a quiet one for us, instead of our annual trip to the lake. As Charles said, I hope we can stay awake until midnight.

I trust you all had a wonderful and Merry Christmas filled with friends, food, and family {who I'm sure, even though you love them a lot, eventually got on your nerves}. I had a good Christmas, but I felt rushed all Monday evening, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I'm back at work today and I feel like I am finally slowing down. I haven't slept a lot the past few nights, so I was exhausted, and a few people in my family as well as Charles' family have been sick, and I'm afraid I might be catching their cold's. Not feeling optimal this morning.

Since telling you all via words about my Christmas would most likely be boring, let's just jump right into what my Christmas consisted of via pictures! Don't worry, readers, there's only a few a boat load of pictures {and I scaled back!}

Monday night was "Friendsmas" with some great friends, where we all went downtown to a charity concert and enjoyed each other's company {and perhaps stayed out too late}

My adorable husband being festive for Friendsmas. Yes, he wore this out in public, and I think he rocked it! Plus, I never once lost him in the crowd.

He got the leg lamp!

Charles' sweet Aunt and cousin got us our Wedding ornament! SO excited!

Because puppies like Christmas, too!

Some of the spread for the Christmas Eve dinner I prepared for Charles' family

Our annual Christmas Eve "ho ho" punch! It's so easy to make and so festive and pretty. Just take one bottle of champagne, one bottle of gingerale, and frozen strawberries! Voila, easy!

The hubby and I enjoying our first Christmas together in the church that we were married in.

The Marsh side of the family!

Because we have to pray before every meal

He was watching Shrek and wouldn't even stop for a photo!

Teaching her how to write

No explanation needed

Charles and I decided Christmas night sushi would be the perfect ending to the day

Laying in bed, watching my ALL TIME FAVORITE movie, "You've Got Mail." I'm so happy it was on tv. I watch it every time, I'm really surprised that I don't own a copy as much as I love it. This will have to change immediately. Wonderful ending to my evening.
A topic I have been consistenly reminded of lately is doing things that you don't want to do. Now this doesn't just apply to everyday things such as doing the dishes or taking out the trash {because those things, no matter how much you don't want to do them, you HAVE TO}

No, I'm talking about the things that you have a choice in doing. No, you don't have to go to watch your best friend's basketball game. No, you don't have to go help your husband take down the Christmas lights. No, you don't have to take an interest in your families life. But you should.

Part of growing up is recognizing that you have choices. You don't have your parents forcing you to do things, but you still should know what's right and what isn't. Not doing something simply because you don't want to, even when you know it might make someone happy is just unacceptable. We all have things we don't want to do, but part of growing older and being a person of substance is doing these things regardless. How can you teach your children values if you yourself don't have any?

My parents have set great examples for all of their children on learning to do things because it's the right thing to do, even if you don't get any personal gain from doing it. It's just the right way of going about things, especially when it comes to family. When you do things that you might not feel like doing purely because you know it's what you should do, people take notice, and people are more likely to return the favor.

Don't alienate those you care about due to laziness or pure selfishness. You become a better person by choosing the harder decision. Some people have the philosophy that you should only do what you want to do, only do what makes you happy because life is too short. No offense to that theory {ok, maybe a little offense}, but what a load of bologna. If you are selfish and only do what you want, people will start to resent you. All take and no give will not get you ahead in life.

Remember: You can make your own choices, but you can't control the consequences. Be prepared to take full responsibility for your actions.

"Never sacrifice what you know is right for what is convenient or expedient. Live the life of a leader - one of values, character, courage, and committment. What you do and what you tolerate in your presence best demonstrates your standards."

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Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Eve's Eve

Hey, y'all!

Happy Christmas Eve's Eve! It's one of my favorites, because it's our annual "Friendsmas" with our friends who live out of town. We always meet up at our house and spend some time together before heading to "Christmas Jam" downtown where one of the guy's friends puts on a charity concert. It's a a great time, I truly love this tradition. We always end up running into friends that we haven't seen in ages, and it's a blast to catch up {and it's a chance to dress nice for a "night on the town!" which we don't really do too often}.

I'm hoping everyone had a great weekend. Mine was too short, shocking typical, but it was a lot of fun. You've already heard about my Friday night, so let's skip right to Saturday!

Saturday morning was spent getting pampered by a friend who is selling spa items. I cannot wait to host a spa party with her, I would love for my girlfriends to try this stuff out! My skin feels incredible, and everyone could use a little extra pampering every once and again.. From there I joined my family for lunch at George's, a really awesome local eatery. It was a particularly rainy, cold, dreary day, but still, I had errands galore to run. I needed to finish Christmas shopping, go to the grocery store, clean, wrap presents, etc..needless to say, the grocery shopping did not get accomplished on that rainy day. Not worth it.

Sunday morning was spent grocery shopping, spending time with my little nephew, and cleaning the house literally all.day.long. It looks great, but I was one exhausted busy bee yesterday. Nothing exciting happened, just a whole lot of chores! By the way, Wal-Mart is already CRAZY packed with people getting their shopping done for the holiday, so if you can, avoid it at all costs.

Today, I am at work {hey, no complaints, I love my job} and at 11 I get to go with my sister to pick up her husband at the airport since he is coming back from basic training! Yippee =) After work, it's a trip to my parent's to visit my cutie pie nephew for some play time before I go home to do a little "food prep" for Christmas Eve and get ready for Friendsmas!

Time for "Life via iPhone"

Can't go to the grocery store without my reusable bags! Leopard print, how cute are these? I have four and use them religiously {mainly because I hate the zillion plastic bags you typically get that break and are just a pain}

Received a precious gift of a handmade bracelet that benefited a child with a Catholic education. I love gifts like this!

Charles worked so hard, so I let him and the girls cuddle up and watch football all Sunday evening..

Elfie left me a hint on the counter...he wanted banana bread made. Anyone else think this was Charles' handiwork?!

Got this sweet gift from another friend! I love it! Couldn't resist sitting on the couch early Sunday morning with it :)

Baby Thomas loves his Auntie M, in fact, I make that exact same face! Silly goose.
So remember how I posted last about not worrying, not stressing, etc because it's not what the holiday is about?
It turns out it's one of those "easier said than done" kind of things. It's easy for me to write about not stressing and just enjoying the moment in a blog post, but it's not so easy for me to remember to put into practice. Someone was asking me questions about Christmas Eve and if I had everything done, what I was serving, who was coming, what time, etc. and I found myself getting very worked up about it. Instantly I thought "Wow, did I not just post about this exact thing? Why did I just lose my cool over someone merely asking me a question?!"
Sometimes it's easy to think that something should be done {or not be done, as the case may be} but it isn't easy to follow through. I really hope I don't turn out to be someone who is all talk and little action. It would disappoint me to be perceived in such a way. Do you ever say you're going to work on doing something, but fail to follow through?
How about we aim to be the person we desire to be? It won't be easy, but I hope I can catch myself before I continue with habits that I am trying to break.
I hope everyone has a blessed Christmas! I probably won't be posting until post-holiday, but I will take a generous amount of pictures so you can feel like you were right there with us!
"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that an airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." - Henry Ford

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