I’m well aware that this amateur attempt for a blog doesn’t
reach many viewers, it’s more of my own way to remember things that were on my
mind, things that have happened, and things I’m looking forward to..I guess you
could call it my own personal internet diary? Sure, we will go with that.
Anyway, hello to anyone out there reading!
With a pop, a fizz, & a clink, the New Year came and
went. Charles and I actually fell asleep on the couch at about 9:30pm – shocking
typical. I honestly wouldn’t have traded it, though. We had a fire going, a
bottle of champagne, and two loving and adorable puppies curled up with us.
Perfect ending to an otherwise routine evening in the Alley household. We then
spent all New Year’s Day watching movies and football. Again, epitome of
perfection for this 25 year old {but feels like 30 year old} wife.
A lot has happened
over the course of the last few weeks, some things I wouldn’t have expected and
some things that I have been anxiously awaiting, yet it still feels like I
haven’t been up to much. Most changes occurred at work, so I won’t bore you
with too many details, but I will say that my position added responsibilities
and opportunities that I have been anxiously awaiting, so stay tuned.
Since my January was probably too boring to even write
about, I figured I would talk this time about what I’m looking forward to in
the next few weeks..
First, the Superbowl! We love having people over {really, I
just love cooking and getting together with friends…and I’m so proud of the
progress that we have made on our house, so showing it off is a plus.} We have
some friends that we haven’t seen in a long while coming over to watch the game
with us. One of our friends is bringing his girlfriend who just moved here to
town from Colorado, and we are so excited to meet her!
Second, I’ve been anxiously awaiting and planning my sister
and her husband’s gender reveal party! I am hosting the party at our house in
February, and couldn’t be more thrilled to have people over and enjoy the fun
announcement together. Don’t worry, this will warrant more pictures than you
probably care to see.
Every year, right around Valentine’s Day, we always have our
annual friend’s weekend at Lake Ouachita at the lake house. This year, we are
all going to our lake house on Friday, enjoying a nice evening relaxing at the
house, and then going to the horse races together on Valentine’s Day! I’m SO excited. We have a new couple
joining us this year, and we have become such fast friends that I know they
will make a wonderful addition to friend’s weekend.
I’m also {finally} taking a personal day from work on that
Friday to spend a little “Michele” time and pamper myself. I really haven’t
taken days off work since my honeymoon back in 2013, and I need a “Michele”
day. I’m going to sleep in {and by sleeping in, I mean “Michele’s version of
sleeping in”…which is until about 7am} I have a massage booked for first thing
in the morning, I have a mani/pedi scheduled for right after my massage, and
then off to get my hair trimmed & colored and my eyebrows done by the
fabulous Curtis Miller. There may even be some mimosas involved. Did I mention
that I am counting down the days until Feb. 13th? After that, I’ll
head home to get ready to drive to the always beautiful Lake Ouachita with some
great friends!
March will bring a Florida trip for my cousin’s wedding, so
stay tuned for that as well!

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