And we're back. Happy Sunday, my friends =) What has gone on in your weeks? Unfortunately I don't have a whole lot to report back. I've been in kind of a funk this week...a busy at work, lots to do at home, feel moody, sore muscles, all around funk. Honestly I'm not sure where this weird funk came from --it was a gorgeous week, warm weather, sunny..a textbook "Be happy!" week. Honestly I sensed that Charles felt the same way this week. Here's hoping that the upcoming week will turn out a little better.
Anyhow, I still managed to do a few productive things, such as meeting new friends {{everyone check out Channel 5's new meteorologist Shelby Hays--she's wonderful!!}}
Here's a little highlight of the week..
Sorry for the instagram photo, I accidentally deleted the original! Charles had a particularly awful Monday, so I wanted to treat him to something special. He had mentioned a few weeks prior that he wished he had a pair of chaco's {all his friends had them..} So after work, I ran to The Woodsman and picked him up a pair! Everyone needs a sweet little something every once and awhile. I also picked up a little tub of Ben & Jerry's, because even guys need ice cream to cheer them up!
Tuesday we decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and get the sweet babies out for a walk around the neighborhood. They had a blast! I would love to make it a nightly ritual.
Friday afternoon was a bit dreary and grey in anticipation of an incoming storm, and Charles decided to burn a few twigs in the backyard. So I grabbed a beer, took off my shoes, and sat under the dreary sky, smelling nothing but fire and the smell of anticipated rain, feeling the cool breeze, and watching the dogs play. I swear I could have sat out there forever and had a barefoot, blue jean night {&& I could have listened to Jake Owen as well :D}
Since I myself was feeling a little down in the dumps all week and Charles went to the lake to work on the boat speakers, I spoiled myself and bought the Naked 3 pallet. I LOVE it already, it has the perfect colors for blue eyes!
Just in case you wanted to see the sky on Friday night when Charles and I sat in the backyard, here it was. Isn't it gorgeous? I couldn't resist to snap a quick photo!
SEE!? I told you that I could have a short photo section.
Since we have both had an abnormal week, where we weren't at the top of our game and we were both a bit on edge, we weren't exactly the most pleasant of people to be around. I feel guilty for that, I know that when I'm in a bad mood I can be quite the pill to swallow. Sometimes, you just have to spend some time along to truly realize how much you enjoy being around someone. I'd take a grumpy, moody, irritable Charles over no Charles any day of the week, and I have a hunch that he feels exactly the same way.
I was chit chatting with a co-worker and a friend a few days ago, and we were talking about tone of voice and how people have different reactions to them. For example, if someone talks to me in an angered or forceful tone of voice, I immediately shut down and quit listening to what they way. I don't want to hear it, and I am too busy planning out my response to ever truly get anything resolved.
Upon realizing that this is how I react to moodiness, I took a look back and realized, "wow..too often I let my emotions dictate my tone of voice, and it has never resolved a problem." The past few days I have really been trying to take this food for thought to heart. If you have to have a discussion with a friend, a family member, a husband, a wife, a co-worker, you need to be mindful to use your tone of voice in an understanding and non-angered tone.
I have often heard that relationships with family, friends, husbands, girlfriends, parents, and the like are similar to houses. Just because a lightbulb goes out doesn't mean you're going to go buy a new house. You're going to fix or replace the lightbulb.
"Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder"

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