It's been since Tuesday since I've last posted {as my dad so
Do you ever feel like you've stretched yourself too thin? That was this week for me. I let things pile up and didn't give myself adequate time to complete the tasks I set for myself, thus explaining my 3 day late blog post. No problem here, I just need to be sure to readjust and get organized for next week. Start fresh. Everyone has a rubber band week.
{Insert deep breath here}
I've got quite a to-do list today, guys. On top of my usual Sunday Funday that consists of laundry, grocery shopping, dishes, cleaning the counters, mopping, sweeping, and vacuuming, I now have a few work things to get done, as well as finishing some chores that I didn't do during this past week. Not ideal.
This week, albeit very sluggish and full of activities, was a pretty fun one! Per usual, here is our weekly adventures in photo form {and there's more than usual, since I waited so long to post...sorry!}:
My sweet boy brought me flowers to work to congratulate me on my new promotion
He was truly on a roll this week with being the best husband ever. We had a bit of an ice storm this week, so he picked me up from work AND had Starbucks waiting for me. It's the little things.
Ice day activities! Despicable Me 2 =)
Charles and a few of the Blues Fest members had a photo shoot for Entertainment Fort Smith magazine as the "Best Festival in Fort Smith". I went as their cheerleader!
I told you my week was hectic...this was my lunch one day, vending machine food. I worked extremely hard this week, and sometimes that means missing a few meals. Not the most healthy lunch ever, I suppose. I need to keep a few things at work in case of times like these.
A sweet friend sent me this picture she snapped of us at our rehearsal dinner, watching the video my dad made for us.
It was icy and frigidly cold, so Milli had to bundle up in her scarf. This is the day that I got stuck at home and couldn't make it to work on time, and a coworker had to come pick me up, resulting in me having to work longer and skip my lunch...what a week.
Made a trip to Staples and got some new organizational items for my new position. I'm not sure where my desk will be quite yet, and not all items I purchased are shown, but I thought this part of my desk looked cute!
Errand running!
A few VegasBombs were needed to combat the stress of my rubber band week.
At a Blues Fest fundraiser with this handsome man. Sorry for the poor was dark and my phone wasn't cooperating.
My current view! What I'm doing right this second =)
The truth of the matter is, everybody gets behind. It's stressful, I know, I've been there. I'm actually currently there right now. They constantly talk at work about setting attainable goals for yourself. Don't stretch yourself too thin, it's a slippery slope if you do, and it's easiest to just avoid rubber band weeks if at all possible. But sometimes, it's just not possible.
The one thing you have control over during a rubber band week is your attitude. No, the situation is not ideal, and you might be stressed, but don't take that out on the people around you. It's a struggle not to, but I have to take deep breaths, put a smile on my face, and remember that it's not their fault that I'm in this situation.
Something I like to do when I have a stressful week is to set a reward for myself for when I finally get myself all caught up. It doesn't have to be anything big, but here is how I incentivize myself. My plan as of now is to get everything on my to do list finished by tonight so I can start my Monday morning stress free and ready to tackle what's ahead of me. It may lead for a busy day today, but it will be worth it tomorrow morning.
Once I've accomplished everything on my list, I pour myself a glass of wine, start a hot bubble bath, light a few candles, put on some music {or maybe some Netflix or Hulu...}, put on a stress relieving face mask, and soak until I can't soak anymore. Perfect reward, and it always works for me!
I hope you all have productive Sundays that lead to stress-free Mondays! Stay on track this week =)
"As much as you want to plan your life, it has a way of surprising you with unexpected things that will make you happier than you originally planned. That's what you call God's will"

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