It’s official, Monday has come around once again! Monday’s are just not my favorite. In fact, Sunday afternoons aren’t my favorite either, because it just feels like a pre-Monday! I feel horrible complaining about Mondays, because if I dread Mondays, I have a job. A good job. A job that I love and am proud of. Yet I still dread Mondays..
Even though I haven’t fully hopped on the Monday bandwagon, I’ve
decided to embrace this Monday. It’s a nice, chilly morning, I’m wearing my
favorite fall leggings and my olive Piko top {both from Suite One…go figure} and I’m enjoying a nice cup of coffee. This
Monday just isn’t so bad afterall, it’s all in your perspective.
How was your weekend? Mine was a much needed lake getaway.
Friday, right after the husband got off work, we headed straight down to the
lake and cooked a nice dinner and enjoyed the beautiful sunset on the deck, and
we hit the hay early {which is typical for me anyways, getting up at 4:30 every
morning for work doesn’t make staying up until midnight quite so appealing..}.
I woke up at about 4am on Saturday morning to the sound of
pouring rain and thunder, and saw a beautiful lightning show at the window.
Needless to say, that put me back to a peaceful sleep for another 2 and a half
hours. When I woke up, it was still sprinkling, so I opted to write thank you
notes inside with a cup of coffee, half watching “Almost Famous” while I worked.
Finally the weather cleared up, and Charles and his brother and father worked on
various tasks around the lake house, as well as Charles removed a bunch of
oxidation from the back of the boat, as well as changed the boat name and put a
metal looking Razorback on the back of the boat, what a handy man!
After piddling around for a little bit in the afternoon, and
having a few cocktails with the neighbors, we started working on dinner, which
was incredible! Ahi tuna steak, grilled asparagus, and pasta. Delish! And the
best part? Charles cooked it all. He’s a man of many talents, but sorry ladies,
I snatched this one up and he is off the market! After baking a batch of chocolate
chip cookies and watching Home Alone 2: Lost in New York {the best Home Alone
in our opinion..} we hit the sack early again! Married life, I tell ya!
Sunday morning Charles and his brother helped their dad with
a few more projects, and I packed up and cleaned up as much as possible, and
played puppy wrangler to make sure they didn’t get in the boys way. We headed
home and unpacked and did some chores at home {it never ends} and then met up
with my family for dinner at Olive Garden. I knew I didn’t wanted a big glass of Sangria, and lo and behold that’s just
what my parents ordered. They are people after my own heart. If you are ever at
the OG, try their Berry Sangria. It’s amazing, just what I needed to wrap up a
nice weekend!

Now I’m usually not too
big on the country music fad, however, there are a few songs you just can’t
keep out of your head. I’m starting to become more of a country music fan {as
long as it’s not that honkytonk, way too country music. That is not ok.} Here’s
a few songs I’ve been singing along to in my car for weeks!
Sunday was also made wonderful because of the text I got
from my dear friend Katie, and it went a little something like this {see
below}. In summary, MAC cosmetics is coming to our local Dillard’s! I know, I
know, how could it have taken this long for a MAC to come to our mall, and
trust me, I’ve had similar thoughts, and often. Just in time for the holidays,
my birthday, etc…looks like I know what to put on MY wish list! Hint: All
Things MAC.
She also made my day by informing me that Old Navy is having
a boot sock sale, and I’m in desperate need of some good boot socks, because
you can never have too many, and for $3.50 a pair? Can’t beat that and you can’t
say no. She made the great point that these would be great stocking stuffers,
or maybe part of a small gift for a friend!
Maybe even a dirty santa gift, the possibilities are endless. I’m going
to raid this sale right after work {and you should, too!}
I’m pleased to report back that I completed ALL of my thank
you cards {it took forever and I had a sore hand and a headache, but they are
done}. I accomplished most of my “to-do” list, with the exception of the
Christmas lists! That’s going to be my primary focus for today. Charles has a
board of directors meeting for the Blues Fest this evening, so I’ll have some
time to get some work done on the lists after work. I’ve started working on
them early enough that I’m not in panic mode trying to get it completed.
The Christmas Cards I created and ordered via VistaPrint
have ALREADY shipped, y’all! Jump on the bandwagon and get yourself some. Mine
should be in today, which gives me optimal time to address them and get them
out to people and not be in a rush. How great is that?! I’ll probably get them
addressed and ready to send out in the next few weeks, so that I don’t have to
worry about it closer to the holidays. Getting ahead of the game is kind of a
rush for me, if you hadn’t noticed.
I hope you all make the most out of your Monday! Go check
out the amazing Old Navy sale! XO
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