Hey y'all!
I can't believe I didn't get to do a "Five for Friday" post on Friday! Shame on me, but here's my attempt at an excuse for why I didn't get around to making one...
First, it was a busy day at the office. Yeah yeah, bad excuse {No matter how true it may be...}
The real reason I didn't post my Friday routine was because I got all of my wedding photos back!! Insert HUGE, CHEESY GRIN HERE! I spent about two and a half hours posting all of my pictures on Facebook {yeah, again, cheesy, but I was SO utterly happy..by the way, check the sidebar and you'll know that Beaty Photography takes the most AMAZING photos in the world. If you don't use them, I don't even know who you are...
I figured I would do my weekend re-hash on Sunday so that I can start my "wedding/honeymoon mini series" this week! Without further delay..
Friday night we spent time cooking with friends and enjoying the beautiful fall weather. Charles and I both had long days at work and had some projects to finish at the house, so we headed home early, worked around the house a little bit, and then hit the hay!
Saturday morning was spent at an early breakfast with my parents. After breakfast, the boys headed to the sporting goods store, and my mom and I went shopping around the pavilion. We tackled some Christmas shopping {YEAH! Early bird gets the worm and all that} and we got some amazing deals on some autumn decor {thank you, Kirklands and Pier One!} We also scored the cutest buckets to put our Halloween desserts in. We have a tradition that every year before Halloween, we watch the Charlie Brown great pumpkin and make dirt cake! It's a world of fun.
Check out the CUTE decor! I got the balls and the room sprays from Pier One, and the two cute candle holders from Kirkland's...all 50% off. Who doesn't love a good sale?
After shopping around with my mom, I went home to steam clean the carpets with our new Bissel steam cleaner {works like a GEM}. I also did some tidying up while the husband worked on finishing the window in the guest bedroom. Just because we were cleaning, doesn't mean I can't be cute!
Leopard scarf from Liz Claiborne, studded sweater by Rock and Republic
Then, we met up with some of Charles family members who were in from out of town. Some came from New Mexico, some came from Fayetteville...We had a blast! Then we met up with some old friends for some drinks and games and good conversations.
Sunday was a busy one! Just look and see. There was...
Church time! Boot socks, sheer cream blouse, leggings, boots, and a fall scarf!
FUJI! Yummo, it had been too long!
Puppy pawprints! We are making the molding to put alongside a photo of us for framing.
Now, I am sitting with a glass of wine, after working on chores and cooking dinner, and I'm debating going and taking a hot bubble bath, but to be honest, I think it will be a "jump through the shower in the morning" kind of day.. this day has done me in and I'm ready for bed.
I hope you are as excited as I am for my wedding mini-series! Love you all<3
“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11