Now that it's the day after Christmas, I felt the need to try to get back into the swing of things. I'm prepping for a New Year {yes, I know the holidays are technically "over" until after New Years, but you get what I mean..} My resolution for 2015 is to do things to create a better mind, body, and spirit. I know that's pretty vague, but what I mean is, I need to do things to enhance myself as a person. I am going to enhance my mind by accepting and overcoming challenges at work and in my personal life instead of maintaining the ordinary. I plan to enhance my body by fueling it with healthy foods and exercising. I'm also going to make sure that I take all of my makeup off before bed {I know, I'm horrible, but you can't say that you aren't guilty of falling asleep with your face's a habit that I don't want to continue a minute longer..}
I'm very much looking forward to what 2015 will bring me. I know it's going to bring me two little nieces or nephews to go along with my PERFECT one year old nephew, my little squirmy wormy, Tommy Pickles. I'm thrilled to be Auntie M again. Although Charles and I aren't ready for children yet ourselves, we are getting ready by all of the love from these sweet babies in the family.
My holidays were perfect. This was actually one of the better Christmases I've had in awhile, despite missing my sweet nephew the whole time. Can you tell I'm obsessed? It's hard not to be.
Actually, our whole December was wonderful. It started off with my birthday {25, I can't even..I had a slight panic attack on the way to work on my birthday because I can't believe I'm 25..} and then wait for it, wait for it...
Proud doesn't even begin to cover the feelings I'm having over his accomplishment. What a stud! I was overwhelmed with the fact that so much family came in to support him on his big day. He isn't one to make a big fuss over things like that, but I think he secretly enjoyed getting some attention :)
Let me leave you with a few pictures from lately...
"Let no man pull you low enough to hate him."