Hello, all!
I hope you are having such a great week. It’s the day before Thanksgiving! I wish I was at home, snuggled with a blanket and a cup of coffee, getting ready to cook all of my sides for both Thanksgivings with my husband’s family and my family, however now that I’m out of college and a working woman, the tables have turned and I’m at work. Bah humbug, I really love the day before Thanksgiving! I am, however, incredibly fortunate to have a job that allows me to have off Thanksgiving and Black Friday, so I am counting my blessings today. Plus, everyone is in good spirits here, so you can’t complain about having to work.
I have a BILLION and one errands to run it feels like today.
I’m going to sneak out on my lunch break and get my mom’s birthday gift {her
birthday is the 28th, so this year it falls on Thanksgiving!}. After
work, I need to run to the grocery store and get the items necessary to all of
the Thanksgiving items I have been tasked to make. Then, this evening we are
having “Friendsgiving” with some of our friends who are in town for the
holidays. We are so excited! This year we are going to have it at a local restaurant
called AJ’s Oyster House, since it was a last minute plan, and Charles and I
have virtually no kitchen or furniture due to the move, so we couldn’t host a
homemade meal.
Tomorrow should be another busy yet fun day! Every year we
start off with heading to my parent’s house in the morning for sausage balls,
coffee {and mimosas…} and to watch the Macy’s Day Parade, and I always look at
all the ads for Black Friday and plan my attack. From there, we head to
Greenwood to have appetizers and then a meal with Charles family {and watch the
dog show..those dogs are TOO cute}. This year, I am making chipotle ranch dip,
green bean stacks, and jalapeno cranberry sauce. After spending time with
Charles’ family, we head back to my parents for Thanksgiving meal there. This
year, I am making green bean casserole and a pumpkin dessert! Nothing too fancy
with my cooking this year, as I barely have a kitchen to cook in. It makes me
sad, but it will be worth it! Afterwards we are so tired that we go home and
CRASH and I rest up for black Friday!
I wanted to share with you all some things for which I am
thankful this year…
First and foremost, I am thankful for my husband. I cannot
thank the Lord enough every day for the wonderful man he has blessed me with. He
knew exactly what he was doing by putting this one in my life, and I am thankful
for him daily, not just around Thanksgiving.
Secondly, I am thankful for my family. My family has
drastically grown in the past year. I am so thankful for the love and the
support that I constantly am blessed with from both of our families. We would
not be the man and the woman we are today without our wonderful families.
I am thankful for my job. In a world where it is becoming
increasingly difficult to even get a job, I am blessed to have a job {me and my
husband both} that has benefits, is challenging and rewarding, and one that I
I am thankful for our new home. We are so blessed to be able to
have the ability to purchase a new home and have the family and friends to help
us with the transition. We are so fortunate.
I am thankful for puppies, and lots of them. Because really,
what is better than puppy cuddles on a bad day?
Here is a picture of some of Charles’ family and us on
Thanksgiving last year! Boy how time flies!
I hope you all have a SAFE and blessed holiday. Be blessed,
and be thankful!